History of Dulles SHRM
Proud to be your "Chapter of Choice" since 1987
On January 21, 1987 a group 47 HR professionals came together for the first time at the Holiday Inn, Dulles and began the "Washington-Dulles Chapter of the American Society for Personnel Administration” (ASPA). Led by President Phil Lo Presti, SPHR (former President of the Northern Virginia Chapter), and sponsored by NOVA, our chapter was officially chartered on June 24, 1987 with 61 initial members.
Here were the first board members:
- President: Phillip Lo Presti, SPHR, Radiation Systems, Inc.
- VP Membership: William Sparks, Star Technologies
- VP Programs: David Humphrey, PHR, Magnavox
- Secretary: John Mann, Computer Sciences Corp.
- Treasurer: Ryan Ricci, Loudoun County Manpower
The first meeting topic was the hot, new topic of “Downsizing” (which was followed in February by the equally provocative topic of “Smoking in the Workplace”)! The membership recruitment letter that was sent out on March 16, 1987 stated that there were no dues for Chapter membership – by June 1987 we had grown to 82 members.
Since its inception, the Dulles Chapter of SHRM (renamed in 1990) has won NINETEEN Merit (1)/Superior Merit (19) awards from SHRM, won the SHRM/OLSTEN Pinnacle award for the CEO luncheon at Lansdowne, sponsored the Leesburg Chapter of SHRM, launched a web presence, and has grown to the point where we are now in our fifth meeting location.
Click here to view milestones throughout the years
Charter Members
Listed below are three of the original sixty-one charter members of the Dulles Chapter who have remained dedicated members throughout the years, serving in a number of leadership roles:
- Lynn Lorenz, SPHR
- Don Nagley, SPHR
- Nancy Streeter
Click here to view a list of the leaders of the chapter through the years
– those members, many of whom also served as President Elect and in other leadership capacities, who made sure the Dulles Chapter thrived and grew.
Awards and Honors
The leaders and members of Dulles SHRM have selflessly given of their time and talents to create programs that have been recognized by SHRM National for their positive impact on the Chapter, the profession, and the community.
Click here to view a list of Awards and Honors
Service Beyond the Dulles Chapter
A number of our Dulles SHRM members have served not only the Dulles Chapter, but have given of their time and talents to SHRM beyond the Chapter level.
Click here to view Dulles SHRM members
Programs to Support the Profession and the Community
Over the years the Dulles Chapter has embarked on a number of programs to serve the HR community and the community at large. Some have continued for years – some enjoyed a short period of support – but all contributed to the Chapter and its members and helped bring us to where we are today.
Click here to view community organizations supports